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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween At Bengal Cat Domination

It's That Time Of Year
When Weird And
Creepy Things

    This Halloween a convention of kitty witches is scheduled.

Are we good witches or bad witches?

You decide!

Still not sure? Do you see evil in my eyes?

I think I heard something, is someone there?

Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Ack!! I am in it's clutches! I'm caught!

I must think of a witches spell quickly!!

Alicat zam, yo ho ho, shazbot!


What the Cat?

Pirate socks! I must not yo ho ho in the middle of a spell!


I'm outta here!

Mazi has arrived for the witch convention.

I'm here! Where are the other witches??

No one is here yet! This makes me feel very evil now!

Oh phhht! I heard something scary!

What was that noise?

Yoooooo hoooo!

I am here and ready for the convention!

Do I look like an evil witch kitty or a good witch kitty?

What the phhhht was that big crashing sound!!!

They are off now! I got those stupid pirate socks off my feet!

It took a lot of running around and Mazi grabbed one off me that was stuck.

So, are we good witch cats or evil witch cats? You decide.

 Happy Halloween everyone!!