We had a nice long trip at Thanksgiving in the motorhome.
Sometimes the cat's get a little bored in there.

Mazi, I'm sooo bored, I have been laying around here all morning.
Yeah Simba, I know, I was up in the front window but it got too hot. What shoud we do?

Hey what are you two planning over there? I'm in a bad mood this morning so you guys better not be up to anything or else!

OK, sheesh, can't a guy have any fun around here. What a grouchy female.

No kidding, more hours of nothing ahead. She's killin me here. I'm a Savannah, full of energy, vim and vigor and all that stuff. I wanna run around and tear this place up. But noooooooooo, miss Kali will beat the snot out of me, so here I sit.

This is the most boring trip ever!

Wait a minute, I got an idea!

What Mazi? Do we dare? You always have such cool ideas, tell me what?

I'm not liking the sound of this boys.

It's time for some nip!
Catnip pillows that is.

Awww this stuff is the best!

Nooooo MAZI! No Catnip!
Simba, grab the other catnip pillow!

Mazi you are so smart, I love catnip!

Yep, I can really get into this stuff.
Its definately time for some nip!