We met a wonderful feline friend on Twitter, Manxington, who has a fun blog where he runs The Duckie Club:
http://theduckieclub.blogspot.com/We got a cute little duckie for us to play and bunny kick, but before we got to even play with it, disaster struck.
Momma cat tried to cut off the tag from the store, but with the tag, a big hole appeared in the duckie!
Poor little duckie was then stuffed in a drawer for 2 months.
Us kitties never got a chance to even give it kitty kisses!
It was very depressing for us kitties and for the duckie.
We got teary eyed every time we thought of him alone in the drawer.
Today was a great day, momma cat did sewing surgery on the duckie and even stuffed some nip inside it!
We decided to name the duckie "Buster" because he was a busted duckie.
Now Buster is going to have lots and lots of fun with us kitties.

Momma cat! Kali got Buster Duckie first and won't share!
Oh come on Mazi, I'm your sister, let me play with him.
You can play with him when I'm done.

Hi Buster, I'm Kali, I want to play, but I get a little rough.
You see, I like to wrestle, bunny kick and bitey bite.
It's not mean or anything, just great fun, and you being full of nip make it hard to hold back.
So hang on, lets play!

Yipppeeeee! pht pht pht! Meeeeooooowww

Got a little rough there, let me kiss and make it better.

Awww Kali slobbered all over you, I'll play later.

Is it my turn now? I really wanna play.

Come here buddy, meowwww pht pht pht!

Oh now, we aren't done yet, get back over here little buddy.

Time for bunny kicks.

I love you Buster, you a my little buddy.
We are sending a couple of photos to Manxington's Duckie Club and we hope you stop by his blog to check it out, and maybe you can even get a duckie of your own to join the club.