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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Its That Meowy Time Of Year

Well momma cat really blew it, she let November blow by without a post. We didn't get to mention our nommy turkey nibbles. Phhtt! Bad momma cat! Here we are just days away from Christmas and momma cat is running around like a ol cat lady! There I said it! MOL
Now to make things even more crazy around here, Simba hurt himself pretty bad. We were really upset when it happened but he is doing great now. Momma didn't see what exactly he did, but based on where she found all the bloods, it looks like he feel off the shower door and somehow into the bathtub. Normally for a cat that wouldn't be such a big thing, but he got a claw hung up somehow and pulled off the end of his toe. *shudder* it's just and awful thing.

Here is the side view x-ray, looks just like the toe is bent weird.

Here is the top view x-ray.You see number 4 toe on the right is missing its tip with the claw. It is snapped off :(  this was the x-ray taken before they had to finish and remove the toe tip, they said its underneath in this view but the toe digit pulled away from the rest of the toe. Poor Simba boy. I can't imagine how bad that hurt.
And Simba had the cone already off by the time momma cat walked from the vets door to load him in the car! Phhttt! What a houdini cat! MOL So she couldn't get it back on him and the vet said the bandage needs to be in place for 3 days. It made it almost a full 2 days. Funny thing is, the foot part came off and he still has bandage on his ankle area above the foot. So he didn't mess with the toe at all, he is trying to get the bandage off but it's been a week and it's still there! They got the sticky stuff all over the fur and it pulls it out so he does bitey bite if momma cat tries to get it off. MOL! All should be back to normal by Christmas when the other crazy stuff happens.

We hope you have a purry Meowy Christmas this year, and hope you still love our Simba Santa cat, even though he has one less claw now.


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh poor Simba!!! We are hoping that he feels better soon! Love from Cody and Caren

Anonymous said...

poor simba! But me and Brother are glad you are doing better - we still like you with or without claws. Claws don't make the cat -- it's the cattitude!

~Brooch Czarina

Flamincatdesigns said...

Thanks, he still hates taking his medicine, some liquid antibiotics, but he is back to playing now. He really uses his claws a lot to hold on to stuff when he climbs so loosing that claw is making him a bit clumsy. Hopefully he will adjust soon. purrs and meows

Cathy Keisha said...

I hope he’s doing better. Sending healing purrz.

meowmeowmans said...

Poor Simba. That sounds dreadful! We sure hope he feels all better very soon.

Flamincatdesigns said...

Thanks everyone, Simba is doing much better today. We finally got the last of the sticky bandage off. Took a little olive oil on a paper towel and started rubbing it on the area that was peeling up. What a mess! He didn't want anyone to pull on it, so he had to do most the work. Thankfully, he has not messed with his toe! Thanks for all the well wishes and Purry Merry Christmas and happy Meowlidays to all!